Graphic Design

Art All Night Postcard - 2023

Art All Night Poster - 2024

Marker Advertisements - 2024

Bauhaus Brochure - 2023

It's Okay To Be Angry Book Cover Redesign - 2024

Tuition Infographic - 2024

This was an infographic project, by far it was the project I had to do the most research for. I chose to use tuition in America as a topic because it is a relevant topic in the media today.

One of my main struggles with this project was summarizing all the information I had and deciding what information was important enough to actually include. After I had figured out what information was going to be including it, sorting it was my next biggest struggle, a lot of my graphs were oddly shaped, or had to be reworked so they could be shrunk down to fit the page.

In the end, I managed to sort all the information neatly in a way that is easy to read, feels professional, and isn't over designed.Â